Jersey City Honey CSA is active again. You can reach us at: or text to (845) 645-6749.
CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture and for Jersey City Honey, the idea is to have friends of honeybees support the work needed to maintain healthy honeybee colonies throughout the year and into the next season.
Each of our colonies needs about 30 hours of inspection, intervention, hive expansion, pest management, honey collection and extraction. It requires a high level of understanding and experience to recognize signs inside the hive, how the weather impacts bee behavior, and a willingness to make hive inspections even in the hottest, humid weather.
If you have an interest in honeybee well-being, we avoid using any chemicals in our hives. We want to increase the number of healthy honeybees in our area, educate people at all ages about the benefits of pollinators, inform them about the threats honeybees face, and recruit more beekeepers to carry on our work.
Your Honey CSA Membership will allow us to buy materials for the expanding of hives, equipment for extracting honey and bottling it, and for educational materials, especially for school and 4H presentations.
Becoming a member of the CSA is simple – just scroll to the bottom of this page to join! A single share is $40. You will get periodic updates about the hive you have a share in, and at least two 1-lb jars of honey as a reward for being a steward of our honeybees. You can pay by Credit Card, Paypal or Venmo, or simply mail a check.
Because we’re beginning the CSA late in the 2024 season, we will make one of your jars available for pick-up in November, and the other next June. Watch for other opportunities to win raffles offered only to CSA members through the winter.

Meet the Team
Roger Moss
Roger Moss is a beekeeper with 25 years of experience, a keen interest in the newest findings about honeybee health, and a record of having rescued swarms in NY, NJ and PA. He subscribes to the myth that bees need to be talked to by their beekeeper, and he speaks to them whenever he’s in the apiary. So far, there’s no evidence that they’re interested in a two-way conversation!
Becoming a member of the CSA is simple.
Shares in the CSA are available at this time. A share gives you a part in fostering healthy Jersey City hives, without the need to do the inspections, mitigation of health issues, or the physical work of lifting and carrying heavy equipment to extract the honey.
If you want to buy a share in one of the hives, fill out the registration form below, then click SEND, and proceed to make a payment.
Thank you!