Roger subscribes to the myth that bees need to be talked to by their beekeeper, and he speaks to them whenever he’s in the apiary. So far, there’s no evidence that they’re interested in a two-way conversation!
Swarm King Apiary is owned and managed by Roger Moss, a beekeeper with 25 years of experience, a keen interest in the newest findings about honeybee health, and a record of having rescued swarms in NY, NJ and PA. He subscribes to the myth that bees need to be talked to by their beekeeper, and he speaks to them whenever he’s in the apiary. So far, there’s no evidence that they’re interested in a two-way conversation!
In February 2023, Roger joined a team of New Jersey beekeepers who journeyed to Malawi, Africa, to learn about African bees and beekeepers. While there, he examined hives, discussed the potential for transferring bees from top bar hives to Langstroth hives to increase honey harvest.
Roger belongs to the Wayne County Beekeepers and the New Jersey Beekeepers where he gets to discuss successes and failures with other beekeepers. A lot of this talk centers around trying to mitigate the effects of disease carried by the varroa mite. Many beekeepers use various organic and inorganic chemicals in their hives in an attempt to reduce infections by killing the varroa. Swarm King Apiaries does not use chemicals in the hive – we are a treatment-free apiary.